
5G Statistics in Brazil
Statistics M. Share



Thousand Nov/23 Dec/23 Oct/24 Nov/24
5G Mobile Accesses 19,021 20,542 36,787 38,146
Prepaid 24.3% 24.6% 25.9% 25.7%
Density* 8.79 9.49 16.92 17.53
Month Growth 1,431 1,521 1,915 1,359
8.1% 8.0% 5.5% 3.7%
Annual Growth 13,265 14,787 16,245 17,604
230.5% 256.9% 79.1% 85.7%
Growth in 1 year 13,910 14,787 19,197 19,125
272.2% 256.93% 109.1% 100.6%


5G Prepaid Mobile Accesses

Thousand Nov/23 Dec/23 Oct/24 Nov/24
5G Prepaid Accesses 4,624 5,056 9,512 9,812
Month Growth 376 432 564 300
8.8% 9.4% 6.3% 3.2%
Annual Growth 3,482 3,914 4,456 4,756
304.9% 342.8% 88.1% 94.1%
Growth in 1 year 3,636 3,914 5,264 5,188
368.2% 342.79% 123.9% 112.2%


5G Postpaid Mobile Accesses

Thousand Nov/23 Dec/23 Oct/24 Nov/24
5G Postpaid Accesses 14,397 15,486 27,275 28,334
Month Growth 1,055 1,089 1,350 1,059
7.9% 7.6% 5.2% 3.9%
Annual Growth 9,783 10,872 11,789 12,848
212.1% 235.7% 76.1% 83.0%
Growth in 1 year 10,274 10,872 13,933 13,937
249.2% 235.68% 104.4% 96.8%



Thousand 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q24 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24
5G Accesses 8,191 11,426 16,110 20,542 24,284 29,299 34,872
Prepaid 21.7% 22.5% 23.8% 24.6% 25.2% 25.6% 25.7%
Density 3.80 5.29 7.45 9.49 11.20 13.50 16.04
Net Aditions 2,436 3,234 4,685 4,432 3,742 5,015 5,573

Note: Active mobile accesses. Density calculated using IBGE's projection for Brazilian population in the repective month.



Thousand 2021 2022 2023
5G Accesses 1,226 5,755 20,542
Prepaid 17.1% 19.8% 24.6%
Density 0.57 2.67 9.49
Net Additions - 4,530 14,787

Note: Active mobile accesses. Density calculated using IBGE's projection for Brazilian population in the repective month.

Billing Method

Thousand November 2024
5G Postpaid 25,333 3,001
5G Prepaid 9,812 -


M2M Terminals

Thousand 2023 November 2024
Number of
Mobile Accesse
Month Growth Annual Growth
- M2M Data Term. 41 68 0.2% -3 27
IoT M2M 40 66 0.2% -3 26
M2M Service Point 1 3 0.0% 0 1






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