
5G: Frequencies and Auctions

Auction for 5G frequencies and 700 MHz leftovers from Anatel



According to the public consultation, 700 MHz frequencies would initially be auctioned and then 5G frequencies, in the order shown in the table below. The adoption of 5 blocks of 80 MHz at 3.5 GHz is being analyzed by Anatel's board.


Frequencies to be auctioned for 5G (TDD)



The distribution of the frequency blocks can be rearranged to guarantee the continuity of the band acquired by a provider.


Frequencies 1st round blocks 2nd round (leftovers) Commitments
3.5 GHz
(60 MHz)
8 blocks of Regional 60 MHz (For incomers) None 4G or 5G coverage in localities
3.5 GHz
(340 MHz)

2 blocks of National 100 MHz

1 block of National 80 MHz

1 block of Regional 60 MHz (excluding previous block winners)

Blocks of 40 MHz and 20 MHz
leftovers of regional lots

Fiber backhaul for cities

Interference costs with satellite dishes

2.3 GHz
(90 MHz)

8 blocks of Regional 50 MHz

8 blocks of Regional 40 MHz

None 4G coverage in localities
26 GHz
(3200 MHz)

5 blocks of National 400 MHz

3 blocks of Regional 400 MHz

10 blocks of National 200 MHz

6 blocks of Regional 200 MHz

No associated commitments




Area I is Brazil and Area II is Brazil, except the Algar region (area IX)


700 MHz (Leftovers)


The 700 MHz leftovers will be auctioned:







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