
Telecom Itália TIM Brazil
Annual Annual
Quarter Quarter

In this page: Information about Telecom Italia.

Telecom Italia (TI) is the main Telecommunication Provider in Italy, privatized in 1997. In 2003 became Telecom Italia S.p.A.

Pirelli was TI's main shareholder until April 2007, when Olímpia, Telecom Itália's controller, was sold per 4,1 billion euros to a consortium (Telco) composed by: Telefonica (42,3%), Generali (28,2%), Mediobanca (10,7%), Inttesa (10,7) and Benetton family (8,2%). This group got 23,6% of Telecom Italia. The process was concluded in 10/25/07, after Anatel's approval in Brasil.

In March/08 the consortium Telco increased its participation in Telecom Italia from 23,6% to 24,5%. Mediobanca acquired 121,5 million in Telecom's shares per 149,8 million euros.

In Sep/13, Telefônica closed the deal (which now must to be approved by the regulation agencies in Italy, Brazil and Argentina) to increase its participation at Telco going from the current 46% to 66%.


The entrance of Telefonica in Telecom Itália

As Telefonica controls Vivo, and by its entry in Telecom Italia, it could participate in Tim's control. This operation was analysed by Anatel, which approved the process in 10/23/07 under restrictions. These restrictions will be added to a new shareholding agreement to be submitted to the Anatel's approval in thirty days. Still, the process will be analysed by CADE.

Anatel's pretends that Vivo and Tim Brasil keep themselves independents, with their own legal sector, administrative board and business plan. Can not have joint venture, tenders overlay, technological trading between companies, or marketing agreements between them. Vivo and Tim will have 6 months to hand Anatel a proposal ensuring decoupling between them.

With Anatel's approval the operation to Telefonica entrance in Telecom Italia was concluded in 10/25/07.

In 07/31/08 Anatel's director council approved the shareholding agreement set by Telefonica and Telecom Italia which, in Anatel's view, fulfilled the conditions imposed avoiding the concentration of cellular telephony in the Brazilian market.



Annual Results


Million Euros 2019 2020 2021 ∆Year
Fixed Italy 9,166 8,791 8,647 (1.6%)
Mobile Italy 30,895 30,170 30,466 1.0%
TIM Brasil 54,447 51,433 52,066 1.2%
Broadband 7,592 7,635 7,733 1.3%

* includes eliminations

Note: Since 2010 results don't consider Telecom Argentina.



Group Net Revenue


Million Euros 2019 2020 2021 ∆Year
Net Revenue 17,974 15,805 15,316 (3.1%)
Italy* 14,078 12,905 12,505 (3.1%)
- Fixed 10,124 9,523 9,313 (2.2%)
- Mobile (Tim) 4,511 3,938 3,732 (5.2%)
TIM Brasil 3,937 2,933 2,840 (3.2%)

* includes eliminations

Note: Since 2010 results don't consider Telecom Argentina.



Million Euros 2019 2020 2021 ∆Year
Net Revenue 17,974 15,805 15,316 (3.1%)
EBITDA 8,151 6,739 5,080 (24.6%)
EBITDA Margin 45.35% 42.64% 33.17% -
Investments 3,784 3,409 4,630 35.8%
Net Debt 27,668 23,326 22,187 (4.9%)

Note: Since 2010 results don't consider Telecom Argentina.



Telecom Italia had operations in Peru, Chile and Venezuela that were sold:

In April/07 the Bolivian Government annunced the partial nationalization of Entel Bolivia.


In fixed telephony, Telecom Italia has a participation in Telecom Argentina.







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