
Brazilian Telecom Leaders in 1Q24

The Brazilian Telecom leaderboard in 1Q24 showed a change compared to 2023, with Alares leading in net revenue growth.

Claro led in 5 indicators, followed by Vivo (3) and Alares and Vero leading 1 each.



- Indicator Description 1Q23 Leader 2Q23 Leader 3Q23 Leader 4Q23 Leader 1Q24
1 Revenue Net Revenue
Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo
2 Revenue Growth Net Revenue Growth
Desktop Desktop TecPar Alares
3 Mobile Mobile Market Share
4 Mobile Mobile Revenue Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo
5 Fixed Services Market Share of Fixed Services
6 Fixed Services Fixed Services revenue Claro Claro Claro Claro Claro
7 Fixed Broadband Accesses Fixed Broadband Market Share
8 Pay TV Accesses Pay TV Market Share
9 Fixed Telephones Fixed Telepohones Market Share
10 Profitability- EBITDA Margin


In the 1st quarter of 2011, Teleco began monitoring the performance of Telecom Groups in Brazil through selected indicators.

Since the end of 2021 Teleco considers those defined by Anatel as Small Providers (PPPs) as Competitive providers. Anatel considers Vivo, Claro, TIM, Oi and SKY as big providers.

Since 2Q22 the leadership in indicators is attributed to the leading company that discloses the indicator, regardless of size. The analysis will also present the results of the Competitives as a group.

Large providers and the following competitive companies that publish their results were included in this analysis: Algar, Brisanet, Alares, Desktop, Vero (which includes AmericaNet) and Unifique.

In Apr/22, the sale of Oi Mobile to Vivo, Claro and TIM was completed, in accordance with the division agreed between the parties. The data in this comment considers the incorporation of Oi Mobile cell phones by these operators, starting in 2Q22, with the revenue being appropriated by each operator starting in April.

The results for each indicator are presented below. 


1) Revenue: Vivo was the leader in 1Q24

Vivo led in net revenue with R$ 13.5 billion in 1Q24, followed by Claro (R$ 11.7 billion) and TIM (R$ 6.1 billion).


Note: SKY's revenue was estimated by Teleco

Vivo also led in mobile revenue (R$ 9.6 billion) and Claro in fixed revenue (R$ 6.8 billion).

Teleco estimated the total net revenue of providers in 1Q24 at R$ 44.4 billion.


2) Revenue Growth: Alares led in 1Q24

Alares led net revenue growth in 1Q24 (34.7%), followed by Unifique (21.6%) and Desktop (20.8%). The growth in total net revenue was estimated by Teleco at 3.5%.



Oi (-13.3%) had negative revenue growth in 1Q24/1Q23.


3)Vivo kept the leadership in Mobile Market Share

Vivo maintained its leadership, but has been losing market share since 2Q22, when it acquired part of Oi Mobile.


Claro is the only one that has been gaining market share and led in net additions in the quarter (0.7 million).


4) Vivo led Mobile Revenue in 1Q24

Vivo and Claro maintained stable mobile net revenue in 1Q24 compared to 4Q23, and TIM showed a drop.



Comparing 1Q24/1Q23, Claro showed the highest growth (8.8%), followed by Vivo (8.7%) and TIM (7.4%).

The growth in total mobile net revenue was estimated by Teleco at 8.4%.


5) Fixed: Claro is the Market Share leader

Claro led in market share of fixed services (Fixed Telephony, Fixed Broadband and Pay TV) with a total of 22 million accesses in 1Q24 followed by Vivo which increased the difference in relation to Oi by 1.9 p.p.



The group of Competitive Companies had market share of 38.3% in 1Q24.


6) Fixed Services: Claro led in Revenue

Claro led in net revenue from fixed services by holding R$ 5.0 billion in 1Q24, ahead of Vivo (R $3.7 billion) and Oi (R$ 2.0 billion).

Note: SKY's revenue was estimated by Teleco

Total net revenue from fixed services fell (0.9%) in 1Q24/1Q23.


7) Fixed Broadband Market Share: Claro

Claro led in fixed broadband market share in 1Q24 by reaching 10.1 million accesses and 20.8% stake, followed by Vivo (14.2%) and Oi (9.8%). Oi has been losing market share since 1Q22.



The Competitive group totaled 25.8 million fixed broadband accesses and a stake of 53.4% ​​from the total accesses in this quarter.


8) Pay TV Market Share: Claro

Claro maintained its leadership in Pay TV, followed by Sky and Oi which has been losing market share.



Pay TV lost 3.0 million subscribers in 1Q24/1Q23.


9) Fixed Telephony Market Share: Claro was the leader

Claro (29.5%) remained in the leadership by counting 10.1 million landlines, and has been gaining market share since 2Q23. Oi, which had been showing a sharp loss, stabilized its market share this quarter.



Competitive providers, as a Group, already accounted for 18.8% of landlines in 1Q24.

Fixed telephony lost 2.3 million subscribers in 1Q24/1Q23.


10) Profitability: Vero led EBITDA Margin

Vero (52.9%) led in EBITDA margin in 1Q24, followed by Desktop (51.4%) and Unifique (50.8%).


Note: It considers routine ou normalized EBITDA margin. SKY dosn't disclose this indicator.


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