
Mobile Leaders in 3Q24


The mobile leaderboard in the third quarter of 2024 (3Q24) showed no change when compared to the previous quarter, with Vivo leading in eight (8) of the eleven indicators monitored by Teleco, TIM maintaining the leadership in two (2) indicators and Claro leading in one (1) indicator.



Leader in 1T23 2T23 3T23 4T23 1T24 2T24 3T24
Mobile Accesses Market Share Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo
Mobile Growth Net Additions Vivo Claro Claro Claro Claro Vivo Vivo
Prepaid Market Share Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo
Postpaid without M2M Market Share Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo
Postpaid growth without M2M Net Additions Claro Claro Claro Claro Claro Vivo Vivo
M2M Market Share Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo
5G Market Share Claro Claro Claro Claro Claro Vivo Vivo
Revenue Net Revenue Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo Vivo
Revenue Growth Rev. Services Annual Growth Claro TIM TIM Claro Claro Claro Claro
Revenue by Client ARPU TIM TIM Vivo TIM TIM TIM TIM
Coverage Covered Population TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM

Note: The analysis considers operators Vivo, Claro, TIM, Algar and MVNO.

In 2007, Teleco began monitoring the performance of mobile operators in Brazil, measured through indicators which began to be reviewed annually from 2014 onwards. In 2019, a new indicator was introduced: postpaid growth without M2M.

In 1Q20, the data revenue indicator was excluded, since data already represents more than 80% of net service revenue. Since 2Q20, Claro is considered with the incorporation of Nextel. In 2Q20, the postpaid market share indicator was replaced by the postpaid non-M2M indicator and the order in which the indicators were presented was changed. In 1Q22, the 4G market share indicator was replaced by the 5G market share indicator. In April/22, the sale of Oi mobile to Vivo, Claro and TIM was completed, in accordance with the division agreed between the parties.

Brazil ended 3Q24 counting 262.3 million mobile accesses, an increase of 9.3 million compared to 3Q23.

The results for each of these eleven indicators for 3Q24 are presented below.


1) Mobile Market Share: Vivo leads

Vivo, Brazil's largest mobile operator, ended 3Q24 with 101.5 million mobile accesses and remained stable in market share (38.7%), as did TIM (23.7%). Claro's market share shrank to 33.7%.



Brisanet began to disclose its mobile accesses in Feb/24 and in 3Q24 it had 223 thousand mobile accesses (an increase of 92 thousand cell phones).


Mobile Accesses (Thousand) 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24
Vivo 98,051 97,755 97,587 99,075 99,663 100,949 101,506
Claro 82,844 83,671 85,032 86,951 87,652 88,328 88,276
TIM 61,721 61,225 61,254 61,248 61,420 61,986 62,149
Algar 4,559 4,605 4,484 4,116 4,120 4,173 4,402
Brisanet - - - - 55 128 223
MVNOs 3,953 4,229 4,584 4,924 5,209 5,539 5,631


Below is the leaderboard in the regions, federation units and area codes in 2Q24, Claro lost its leadership in the state of Ceará to Vivo.


- Market Share Leader in 2Q24
Region Federation Unit Area Code (DDD)
Vivo I, II and III 13 (+1) 34
Claro - 10 (-1) 20
TIM - 4 12
Algar     1


2) Mobile Growth: Vivo led net adds in the quarter

Vivo led mobile growth in the third quarter of 2024 with net additions of 0.6 million mobiles, ahead of Algar (0.23 million) and TIM (0.16 million).



- Net Additions (Thousand)
1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24
Vivo 72 -296 -168 1.487 588 1.286 557
Claro -764 -496 29 682 701 676 -52
TIM 8 46 -121 -286 172 566 163
Algar -1 -1 0 6 4 53 229
Brisanet         55 73 95
MVNOs 278 276 355 340 285 330 92


Vivo (1.1 million) led postpaid net additions in the quarter, but presented negative prepaid net adds (-0.5 million), along with the other operators.



3) Prepaid Market Share: Vivo leads

Vivo, which leads in prepaid market share, remained stable by holding 34.7% of the market and ended the quarter with 36.5 million prepaid customers. Claro (33.3%) grew in the quarter and TIM (30.9%) continued to lose market share.



Prepaid (Thousand) 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24
Vivo 39,296 38,071 37,163 37,267 37,055 36,977 36,478
Claro 34,946 35,141 35,334 35,463 35,609 35,377 35,035
TIM 35,653 34,639 34,078 33,634 33,312 33,014 32,468
Algar 602 599 578 593 594 562 556


Vivo (-499 thousand), Claro (-342 thousand) and TIM (-546 thousand) had negative net additions in prepaid in 3Q24.


4) Postpaid Market Share without M2M: Vivo keeps the leadership

Vivo maintained its leadership in postpaid without M2M terminals and its market share (43.2%) remained stable. Claro (34.2%) remained in second place, followed by TIM (21.4%).



Postpaid without
M2M (thousand)
1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24
Vivo 43,782 44,248 44,804 45,903 46,589 47,410 48,183
Claro 34,021 34,496 35,422 36,503 37,268 37,821 38,190
TIM 21,563 21,842 22,198 22,580 22,995 23,453 23,881
Algar 598 599 601 606 609 610 632


This table presents few changes when M2M terminals are included in the postpaid plan.


5) Growth of postpaid without M2M: Vivo was the leader

Vivo led in postpaid net additions without M2M in 3Q24 (0.8 million), followed by Claro (0.43 million) and TIM (0.37 million).



6) M2M Market Share: Vivo was the leader

Vivo (37.1%) increased its market share in the leader in M2M terminals in 3Q24, followed by Claro (33.1%).



TIM increased its market share and in 3Q24 it reached 12.8%.


M2M (thousand) 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24
Vivo 14,974 15,437 15,620 15,905 16,020 16,562 16,845
Claro 13,876 14,034 14,275 14,985 14,775 15,130 15,051
TIM 4,504 4,744 4,978 5,035 5,113 5,518 5,800
Algar 3,358 3,407 3,304 2,917 2,916 3,001 3,214
DATORA* 2,138 2,239 2,398 2,436 2,494 2,607 2,757
NLT* 626 650 706 832 951 992 967
SURF* 340 364 425 455 479 514 893
TELECALL* 298 402 459 572 649 680 2



Vivo led in M2M net additions in 3Q24 (283 thousand), closely followed by TIM (282 thousand) and Algar (213 thousand).


7) 5G Market Share: Vivo was the leader

Vivo (39.6%) led in 5G market share in 3Q24, holding 39.6% market share. Claro's market share fell to 35.6% in 3Q24. TIM's market share has also been decreasing, which fell to 24.6% this quarter.

In total, 5G mobile accesses reached 34.9 million and had additions of 5.6 million in the quarter.



5G (thousand) 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24
Vivo 3,094 4,350 6,123 7,615 8,952 11,029 13,825
Claro 3,162 4,599 6,211 7,718 9,152 10,674 12,407
TIM 1,936 2,477 3,776 5,207 6,167 7,560 8,563
Total 8,191 11,426 16,110 20,552 24,284 29,299 34,872


8) Mobile Net Revenue: Vivo was in the leadership



Vivo remained the leader in mobile net revenue holding R$ 10.1 billion in 3Q24, followed by Claro. Operators have been increasing mobile revenue since 1Q24.


R$ Million 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24
Vivo 8,819 8,927 9,279 9,643 9,583 9,724 10,068
Claro 6,210 6,396 6,526 6,786 6,755 7,033 7,224
TIM 5,366 5,541 5,731 5,947 5,763 5,965 6,086


9) Growth of Mobile Services Net Revenue: Claro led in the quarter

Claro led in growth of mobile services in net in 3Q24/3Q23 with 10.7%, followed by Vivo (8.5%).



10) ARPU: TIM is the leader

TIM, which maintains the leadership in ARPU, grew in 3Q24, reaching R$ 31.7 in the quarter. Vivo and Claro also increased ARPU in this quarter.



ARPU (R$) 4Q22 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24
Vivo 27.0 27.1 27.9 28.9 29.1 29.2 29.6 30.3
Claro 22 23.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 25.0
TIM 26.6 27.7 29.2 30.2 31.1 30.3 31.2 31.7

Note: ARPU values ​​reported by the operators aren't fully comparable as they use different criteria in their calculation.


11) Coverage: TIM was the leader

TIM maintained its leadership and covered 100% of the population. Vivo (98.0%) came in second place, ahead of Claro (97.9%).



TIM led in 4G coverage (100%), Vivo in 3G (97.4%), TIM in 5G (52.0%) and Claro in 2G (95.4%).

TIM also led in total number of covered municipalities regardless the technology (5,570), followed by Vivo (4,942) and Claro (4,585).



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