
Economic Results from Providers

Net Revenue EBITDA Margin Capex

This page: It shows the evolution of providers capex in Brazil. Source: Providers Reports

Telecom Capex


Brazilian Telecom Total Capex in 2Q24: R$ 8.2 billion


Telecom Providers Capex


R$ Millions 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 ∆Qter ∆Year
Vivo 1,686 2,172 2,626 2,295 1,874 2,341 24.9% 7.8%
Claro 2,091 2,362 2,297 2,651 1,818 2,130 17.2% -9.8%
TIM 1,289 926 998 1,292 1,355 925 -31.7% -0.1%
Oi 226 269 203 190 146 137 -6.2% -49.1%
V.tal* 670 640 485 635 331 362 9.4% -43.5%
Others 1,885 2,003 2,024 2,352 2,093 2,271 8.5% 13.4%
Total 7,847 8,372 8,634 9,416 7,617 8,166 7.2% 13.4%

* Estimated by Teleco


R$ Millions 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ∆Year
Vivo 8,843 7,796 8,684 9,530 8,779 -7.9%
Claro 8,751 7,989 9,761 10,591 9,401 -11.2%
TIM 3,853 3,891 4,382 4,731 4,505 -4.8%
Oi 7,842 7,318 7,525 3,859 888 -77.0%
V.tal* - - - 4,789 2,431 -49.2%
Others 7,985 8,485 5,252 7,271 8,265 13.7%
Total 33,421 31,588 35,604 40,771 34,268 -16.0%

* Estimated by Teleco


Competitives Capex

R$ Millions 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 ∆Qter ∆Year
Algar 92 191 122 157 147 156 6.3% -18.4%
Brisanet 93 87 171 202 165 181 9.7% 108.8%
Vero 48 49 54 220* 87* 134* 53.5% 172.9%
Desktop 74 77 74 88 81 94 15.7% 21.9%
Ligga 10 58 29 78 38 89 130.7% 52.1%
Unifique 62 68 37 51 59 82 38.1% 19.9%
Alares 52 52 37 52 48 47 -3.1% -11.3%
Telebrás 19 21 56 20 18 17 -3.5% -20.7%

*With Americanet. ** Estimated by Teleco, because Algar didn't disclose results.






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