
Economic Results from Providers

Net Revenue EBITDA Margin Capex

This page: It shows the evolution of providers net revenue in Brazil. Source: Providers Reports

Telecom Net Revenue


Source: Operators and Teleco estimate


Telecom Net Revenue

R$ Million 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 ∆Qter ∆Year
Vivo 12,721 12,733 13,112 13,535 13,546 13,679 1.0% 7.4%
Claro 11,115 11,285 11,420 11,696 11,710 12,034 2.8% 6.6%
TIM 5,681 5,863 6,055 6,275 6,096 6,303 3.4% 7.5%
Oi 2,536 2,454 2,422 2,306 2,199 2,144 -2.5% -12.6%
SKY 1,817 1,728 1,647 1,565 1,492 1,424 -4.6% -17.6%
Competitives 8,889 8,794 9,110 9,336 9,510 9,691 1.9% 10.2%
Total 42,759 42,857 43,766 44,713 44,552 45,275 1.6% 5.6%

Note: Competitive operators are all the small providers, except Vivo, Claro, Oi, TIM and Sky.


R$ Million 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Mobile Tel. 66,406 67,015 66,886 64,152 65,332 67,404 70,902 70,669 73,265 78,818 85,763
Fixed Tel. 28,461 23,915 26,082 24,957 22,285 19,420 16,050 15,058 13,914 12,829 11,589
Fixed Broadband 19,815 21,565 22,581 24,456 26,615 32,910 35,642 41,822 48,193 55,252 61,708
Pay TV 18,943 21,992 22,150 21,823 21,690 20,746 19,132 18,928 17,837 16,660 14,913
TOTAL 133,625 134,487 137,700 135,389 135,922 140,479 141,725 146,476 153,209 163,558 173,973

Source: Teleco's estimation and operators


Mobile Net Revenue

R$ Million 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 ∆Qter ∆Year
Vivo 8,819 8,927 9,279 9,643 9,583 9,724 1.5% 8.9%
Claro 6,210 6,396 6,526 6,786 6,755 7,033 4.1% 10.0%
TIM 5,366 5,541 5,731 5,947 5,763 5,965 3.5% 7.7%
Total 20,539 21,007 21,681 22,521 22,244 22,862 2.8% 8.8%

Note: Vivo's revenues don't include Vivo Fixo's interconnection revenues, unlike other operators. Claro's revenue doesn't include long distance and the sum of net revenue from services and handsets presents differences in relation to total net revenue.


R$ Million 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ∆Year
Vivo 28,666 28,421 29,376 33,070 36,669 10.9%
Claro 16,746 17,756 19,041 22,695 25,919 14.2%
TIM 16,428 16,214 16,911 20,346 22,584 11.0%
Oi 8,717 7,846 7,450 2,119 - -
Total 70,902 70,669 73,265 78,818 85,763 8.8%


Fixed Broadband Net Revenue

R$ Million 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 ∆Qter ∆Year
Vivo 2,809 2,732 2,805 2,880 2,970 2,992 0.7% 9.5%
Claro 2,460 2,555 2,697 2,981 3,082 3,148 2.2% 23.2%
TIM 157 161 162 164 166 169 1.5% 4.5%
Oi 1,267 1,295 1,283 1,204 1,146 1,052 -8.2% -18.8%
SKY 32 24 17 12 13 20 10.7% -60.3%
Competitives 8,378 8,262 8,558 8,782 8,962 9,141 2.0% 10.6%
Total 15,104 15,029 15,521 16,023 16,339 16,521 1.1% 9.9%

Source: Teleco's estimation; Oi didn't report results yet. Note: Competitive operators are all the small providers, except Vivo, Claro, Oi, TIM and Sky.


R$ Million 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ∆Year
Vivo 8,438 8,689 9,360 10,247 11,229 9.6%
Claro 8,283 9,062 9,585 10,216 10,860 6.3%
TIM 474 527 574 617 645 4.6%
Oi 7,043 5,160 4,801 4,813 5,049 4.9%
SKY 228 202 168 154 84 (45.3%)
Competitives 11,176 17,795 23,311 28,731 32,041 15.5%
Total 35,642 41,435 47,799 54,778 59,909 9.4%

Source: Teleco's estimation; Oi didn't report results yet


Net Revenue of Competitive Fixed Broadband Providers

R$ Million 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 ∆Qter ∆Year
Algar 422 423 441 439 440 440 (0.0%) 3.9%
Alloha Fibra 399 400 409 409 411 419 2.0% 4.9%
Brisanet 292 300 311 325 334 346 3.6% 15.4%
Desktop 222 247 255 263 268 280 4.4% 13.6%
Vero* 382 394 406 405 404 412 1.9% 93.6%
Unifique 205 216 231 231 249 255 2.3% 18.3%
Brasil Tecpar 155 176 155 169 249 253 2.0% 43.9%
Alares 130 131 135 172 175 176 0.8% 34.1%
Telebrás 97 101 109 110 79 100 27.0% -1.4%
Ligga 122 126 162 206 136 143 5.5% 13.4%
Total 8,378 8,262 8,558 8,782 8,962 9,141 2.0% 10.6%


Fixed Telephony Net Revenue

R$ Million 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 ∆Qter ∆Year
Vivo 702 694 652 634 617 598 -3.1% -13.8%
Claro 1,062 1,048 901 893 853 843 -1.2% -19.6%
TIM 157 161 162 164 166 169 1.5% 4.5%
Oi 826 744 724 706 663 699 5.4% -6.1%
Competitives 323 339 353 351 341 329 -3.5% -3.1%
Total 3,071 2,986 2,814 2,730 2,639 2,637 -0.1% -11.7%

Source: Teleco's estimation; Oi didn't report results yet. Note: Competitive operators are all the small providers, except Vivo, Claro, Oi, TIM and Sky.


R$ Million 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ∆Year
Vivo 5,337 4,357 3,607 3,008 2,683 -10.8%
Claro 6,300 5,468 4,779 4,136 3,905 -5.6%
TIM 474 527 574 617 645 4.6%
Oi 3,213 3,921 3,904 3,805 3,000 -21.2%
Competitives 725 784 1,051 1,262 1,356 7.4%
Total 16,050 15,058 13,914 12,829 11,589 -9.7%

Competitive operators are all the small providers, except Vivo, Claro, Oi, TIM and Sky.


Pay TV Net Revenue

R$ Million 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 ∆Qter ∆Year
Vivo 390 379 376 374 375 365 -2.6% -3.7%
Claro 1,383 1,286 1,275 1,057 1,020 1,010 -1.0% -21.5%
Oi 299 287 275 256 233 208 -10.7% -27.6%
SKY 1,785 1,704 1,630 1,553 1,480 1,405 -5.1% -17.6%
Competitives 189 193 199 203 207 222 7.1%. 15.0%
Total 4,047 3,849 3,755 3,444 3,314 3,209 -32% -16.6%

Note: Competitive operators are all the small providers, except Vivo, Claro, Oi, TIM and Sky.


R$ Million 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ∆Year
Vivo 1,827 1,660 1,690 1,716 1,520 (11.4%)
Claro 7,800 6,850 6,017 5,351 4,833 (9.7%)
Oi 976 1,629 1,545 1,349 1,117 (17.2%)
SKY 7,909 8,263 7,982 7,523 6,673 (11.3%)
Competitives 538 502 532 681 783 15.0%
Total 19,132 18,928 17,766 16,621 14,925 (10.2%)

Source: Teleco's estimation; Oi didn't report results yet. Competitive operators are all the small providers, except Vivo, Claro, Oi, TIM and Sky.






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