
Cell Sites

In this page: Attendance data, Cell Sites and Levels of electromagnetic Radiation. Source: Anatel and Teleco.


Cell Sites in Brazil By Operator


Operator 2022 2023 Jul/24 Aug/24 New Cell Sites
TIM 30,322 34,991 36,567 36,805 238
Vivo 32,901 32,911 35,918 36,730 812
Claro 23,602 24,804 26,240 27,026 786
Brisanet 45 680 1,075 1,216 141
Algar 736 394 757 761 4
Sercomtel/Ligga 48 45 44 44 0
Unifique - 9 14 35 21
Total 87,654 93,835 100,615 102,617 2,002


Cell Sites by Infrastructure Classification (Aug/24)


Type Algar Brisanet Claro Sercomtel
TIM Unifique Vivo Total
COW - - 92 - 35 - 9 136
Fastsite - - 10 - - - - 10
Greenfield 261 - 14,306 1 12,291 - 15,194 42,053
Harmonizada - - 47 - 138 - - 185
Indoor 5 - 532 - 565 - 280 1,382
Outdoor - - 122 - - - 1 123
Ran Sharing - - 351 - 366 - 615 1,332
Rooftop 12 - 2,950 - 2,748 - 2,214 7,924
SmallCell 5 - 27 - 177 - 230 439
Streetlevel - - 61 - 453 - - 514
Not Identified 478 1,216 8,528 43 20,032 35 18,187 48,519
Total 761 1,216 27,026 44 36,805 35 36,730 102,617


Cell Sites by Technology

The table below shows the number of cell sites by technology of each operator. It is important to emphasize that a cell site can contain equipment of more than one technology, with that the sum of cell sites by technology will be greater than the total of cell sites of the operator.





5G 2022 2023 Jul/24 Aug/24 New Cell Sites
Vivo 1,830 3,781 5,391 7,647 2,256
Claro 2,093 6,057 7,957 9,041 1,084
TIM 3,824 7,848 8,479 8,630 151
Algar 46 161 182 184 2
Sercomtel/Ligga - 1 0 0 0
Brisanet 45 680 1,075 1,216 141
Unifique - 9 14 34 20
Total  7,838 18,537 23,098 26,752 3,654



5G Cell Sites by Infrastructure Type


Infrastructure Algar Brisanet Claro TIM Unifique Vivo Total
COW - - 27 17 - - 44
Fastsite - - 4 - - - 4
Greenfield 115 - 4,012 3,347 - 3,234 10,708
Harmonizada - - 26 28 - - 54
Indoor - - 167 56 - 10 233
Outdoor - - 78 - - - 78
Ran Sharing - - 96 5 - 36 137
Rooftop 8 - 2,279 1,533 - 1,090 4,910
SmallCell - - - 4 - 3 7
Streetlevel - - 34 129 - - 163
Not Identified 61 1,216 2,318 3,511 34 3,274 10,414
Total 184 1,216 9,041 8,630 34 7,647 26,752
4G 2022 2023 Jul/24 Aug/24 New Cell Sites
Vivo 29,715 29,513 32,359 33,263 904
Claro 22,140 24,144 25,507 26,305 798
TIM 27,561 29,304 31,049 31,216 167
Algar 372 356 497 505 8
Brisanet 45 347 1,075 1,215 140
Unifique - 2 13 34 21
Total  79,833 83,666 90,500 92,538 2,038
3G 2022 2023 Jul/24 Aug/24 New Cell Sites
Vivo 27,718 26,098 28,048 28,167 119
Claro 22,831 22,414 24,026 24,344 318
TIM 17,363 15,321 19,224 19,507 283
Algar 625 298 622 629 7
Sercomtel/Ligga 40 42 42 42 0
Total  68,577 64,173 71,962 72,689 727
2G 2022 2023 Jul/24 Aug/24 New Cell Sites
Vivo 16,688 15,293 17,117 17,100 -17
Claro 17,507 18,714 19,090 19,237 147
TIM 15,621 17,782 19,669 19,850 181
Algar 411 228 402 402 0
Sercomtel/Ligga 45 38 38 38 0
Total  50,272 52,055 56,316 56,627 311

Number of Cell Sites in Brazil


Region 2022 2023 Jul/24 Aug/24
I 43,322 46,816 50,564 51,661
II 24,676 26,076 27,653 28,073
III 19,656 20,943 22,398 22,883
Total 87,654 93,835 100,615 102,617


Attendance: published by Anatel (Aug/24)

Anatel released the following datas: number of cell sites and attendance (covered cities and population) in Brazil.


SMP SMC State Cell Sites
I 3 Rio de Janeiro 9,530
Espírito Santo 2,751
4 Minas Gerais 11,602
8 Amazonas 1,532
Roraima 218
Pará 2,823
Amapá 288
Maranhão 2,201
9 Bahia 5,340
Sergipe 916
10 Piauí 1,463
Ceará 4,472
Rio Grande do Norte 1,731
Paraíba 1,736
Pernambuco 3,776
Alagoas 1,282
II 5 Paraná 6,259
Santa Catarina 4,204
6 Rio Grande do Sul 6,679
7 Mato Grosso do Sul 1,375
Mato Grosso 1,956
Goiás 3,545
Distrito Federal 2,156
Tocantins 882
Rondônia 690
Acre 327
III 1/2 São Paulo 22,883
Brazil 102,617

Source: Anatel


Cell Sites Acquisition in Brazil


Year Seller Buyer Towers Price US$ Price by Tower US$
2017 Highline SBA Communications 1,200 - -
2016 Telefonica Telxius 1,655 214,000,000 129,305
2015 Algar Telecom Highline do Brasil 125 16,000,000 128,000
2015 T4U Phoenix Tower 529 - -
2014 TIM American Tower 6,480 1,200,000,000 185,185
2014 BR Towers American Tower 4,630 978,000,000 211,231
2014 Oi SBA Communications 1,641 527,000,000 321,146
2013 Nextel American Tower 1,940 349,000,000 179,897
2013 Z-Sites American Tower 236 129,000,000 546,610
2013 Oi SBA Communications 2,007 645,000,000 321,375
2013 Nextel American Tower 2,790 413,000,000 148,029
2013 Oi SBA Communications 2,113 343,000,000 162,328
2013 Oi BR Towers 2,113 251,000,000 118,788
2013 Oi Grupo TorreSur 2,113 293,000,000 138,665
2013 Telefonica American Tower 93 18,000,000 193,548
2013 Sitesharing BR Towers 100 - -
2012 Telefonica SBA Communications 800 178,000,000 222,500
2012 Oi Grupo TorreSur 1,208 258,000,000 213,576
2012 Telefonica American Tower 192 33,000,000 171,875
2012 Telefonica BR Towers  1,912 252,000,000 131,799
2012 Telefonica American Tower  1,500 225,000,000 150,000
2011 Telefonica Grupo TorreSur 1,358 206,000,000 151,694
2011 Sitesharing American Tower 666 585,000,000 878,378

Source: TowerXchange and Teleco


Cell Sites authorized by Anatel

Cell Sites data bases

Anatel available in its site: Cell Sites addresses per cities and operators in Brazil.

STFC Radiocommunication Stations


Electromagnetic Radiation

The cellular antenna radiation levels in ERBs are defined in the Regulation about limitation of the electric fields exposition, magnetic and electromagnetic in the radiofrequency band between 9 KHz and 300 GHz. Annex to the resolution n. 303 from july 2nd of 2002. Click here and check the Regulation ( in portuguese)


How far should we stay from cellular antennas?

Minimum distance of the antennas to be lesser exposed:

minimum distance (m) = 8.16 sqrt (e.r.p/f)

which f is the frequency, in MHz and

e.r.p. is the radiated effective power in the direction of bigger antenna gain, in watt.


Usual Values of Minimum distance

Using a usual band value found in cellular systems to the interested frequencies , we have:


1.000 W 100 W 10 W 1 W
f = 800 MHz 9.1 m 2.9 m 0.9 m 0.3 m
f = 1,800 MHz 6.1 m 1.9 m 0.6 m 0.2 m







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