
Brazilian Estatistics - GDP

General Information GDP

In this page:Brazilian GDP (Gross Domestic Product), Per Capita Income and Information Service GDP.

GDP - Brazil


Growth in 1Q24 Brazilian GDP Information Services GDP
Accumulated in the same period of the previous year 2.5% 4.6%
Last four quarters/four previous quarters 2.5% 2.3%
Quarter/same quarter of the previous year 2.5% 4.6%
Quarter/Previous quarter 0.8% 2.1%


Annual Variation of GDP Total and GDP of Services Information

Information services including Telecom activities, computer, Audiovisual, News Agency and journalism services.

- 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24
GDP - Information Services 6.3% 6.4% 4.9% 3.2% 2.6%
Total GDP at Market Price 3.7% 3.7% 3.1% 2.9% 2.5%

Note: The 4 previous quraters in comparison with the 4 quarter before


- 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
GDP - Information Services 5.2% (0.2%) 12.6% 5.4 3.2%
Total GDP at Market Prices 1.4% (4.1%) 4.6% 2.9 2.9%


GDP and GDP per Capita

- GDP R$ Billions Real Annual Growth (%) GDP current prices US$ billion Income per capita (R$) Real Annual Growth (%) GDP current prices US$
Year Current Prices Previous Year Current Prices Previous Year
2021 8,679 8,679 4.6 1,609 40,688 40,688 3.9% 7,542
2020 7,468 8,296 -3.9 1,448 35,265 39,178 -4.6% 6,838
2019 7,389 8,631 1.2 1,873 35,162 41,071 0.4% 8,912
2018 7,004 8,527 1.8 1,916 33,594 40,898 1.0% 9,191
2017 6,585 8,377 1.3 2,063 31,844 40,509 0.5% 9,976
2016 6,269 8,268 -3.3 1,800 30,559 40,302 -4.1% 8,774
2015 5,996 8,548 -3.6 1,796 29,467 42,011 -4.4% 8,827
2014 5,779 8,862 0.5 2,455 28,649 43,935 -0.3% 12,170
2013 5,332 8,818 3.0 2,468 26,658 44,089 2.1% 12,342
2012 4,815 8,561 1.9 2,464 24,278 43,167 1.0% 12,422
2011 4,376 8,399 4.0 2,614 22,260 42,722 3.1% 13,298
2010 3,886 8,078 7.5 2,210 19,939 41,450 6.5% 11,338
2009 3,333 7,513 -0.1 1,673 17,271 38,930 -1.1% 8,667
2008 3,110 7,522 5.1 1,693 16,281 39,381 4.0% 8,864
2007 2,720 7,158 6.1 1,397 14,390 37,863 5.0% 7,389
2006 2,409 6,748 4.0 1,107 12,881 36,073 2.8% 5,919
2005 2,171 6,491 3.2 892 11,733 35,087 2.0% 4,822
2004 1,958 6,289 5.8 669 10,706 34,394 4.5% 3,660
2003 1,718 5,947 1.1 559 9,507 32,909 -0.1% 3,096
2002 1,489 5,880 3.1 508 8,341 32,940 1.7% 2,847
2001 1,316 5,706 1.4 560 7,467 32,380 0.0% 3,176
2000 1,199 5,627 4.4 656 6,901 32,385 - 3,774

Source: IBGE. national accounts


2021 GDP by State

2021 GDP (R$ million)
NORTH 564,064
Rondônia 58,170
Acre 21,374
Amazonas 131,531
Roraima 18,203
Pará 262,905
Amapá 20,100
Tocantins 51,781
NORTHEAST 1,054,095
Maranhão 124,981
Piauí 64,028
Ceará 194,885
Rio Grande do Norte 80,181
Paraíba 77,470
Pernambuco 220,814
Alagoas 76,266
Sergipe 51,861
Bahia 352,618
SOUTHEAST 4,712,982
Minas Gerais 857,593
Espírito Santo 186,337
Rio de Janeiro 949,301
São Paulo 2,719,751
SOUTH 1,559,828
Paraná 549,973
Santa Catarina 428,571
Rio Grande do Sul 581,284
Mato Grosso do Sul 142,204
Mato Grosso 233,390
Goiás 269,628
Brasília 286,944
BRAZIL 9,012,142

Source: IBGE







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