
Oi/PT Group Oi Brazil Oi Portugal BrT Portugal Telecom
Annual Annual Quarter Annual Annual
Quarter Quarter Annual   Quarter


In this page: Brasil Telecom's operational and economic annual data, including number of cellulars, Revenue, EBITDA Margin, Profit and Investments. Source: Tele Norte Leste Participações.


Brasil Telecom was created by privatized Fixed Telephony companies in 1998. In 2004, it started to operate mobile telephony inside its region.


Brasil Telecom was acquired by Oi in Jan/09. For further information about the incorporation of BrT by Oi click here.







BrT's Operational Performance


Thousands 2009 2010 2011


Mobile accesses 7,153 7,802 8,614 5.8%
Fixed Telephones (installed) 10,425 10,452 10,484 0.3%
Fixed Telephones (in service) 7,738 7,204 6,830 (5.2%)




BrT's Economic Financial Performance


Million R$ 2009 2010 2011


Total Gross Revenue 17,821 17,619 16,407 (6.9%)
Net Revenue 10,920 10,263 9,246 (9.9%)
EBITDA 732 3,516 2,612 (25.7%)
EBITDA margin 6.7% 34.3% 28.2% -
Net Profit (Net Loss) (1,019) 1,971 1,006 (49.0%)
Net Debt 865 (1,524) - -







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