


América Móvil América Móvil Group Brazil Embratel Claro Others
Annual Annual Annual Annual Net
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Americel


In this page: Embratel's annual result including revenue, EBITDA margin, profit and investments


Embratel is owned by the América Móvil Group. Telmex acquired Embratel in July 2004 from MCI. In 2007, Embratel became part of Telmex International, which was incorporated by América Móvil in 2010.


Embratel has a concession to Long Distance National and International in the whole country, which correspond to sector 35, region IV of PGO (Operator Code: 21).



Operational Performance




Thousands 2011 2012 2013 ∆Year
Fixed Telephones 8,395 9,318 -
Fixed Broadband 4,690 5.,627 -
Pay TV 6,997 8,498 9,661
Total Fixed 20,082 23,443 -

Note: includesi Net

Source: Anatel and estimated by Teleco




Financial Economic Performance

Source: Embratel participações.


Million R$ 2010 2011 2012 2013
Gross Revenue 15,363 16,744 - -
Net Revenue 11,231 17,700 19,283 21,212
EBITDA   3,268 4,715 5,113 5,578
EBITDA margin 29.10% 26.6% 26.5% 26.3%
Operational Result (EBIT) 1,358 1,736 2,255 1,779
EBIT Margin 12.09% 9.8% 11.7% 8.4%
Net Profit 723 392 804 426
Investments 2,301 2,892 - -

Note: Includes Net in 2012.



Net Revenue Break


Million R$ 2009 2010 2011 ∆Year
Local Service (Fixed-Fixed) 2,126 2,404 2,811
Long Distance 4,927 4,740 4,532
LDN (Fixed-Fixed) 4,501 4,342 4,183 (3.7%)
International Long Distance 425 397 349 (12.1%)
Data Communication 3,031 3,173 3,255
Others (advanced voice, additional services) 420 362 405
TV 98 552 1,229
Net Revenue 10,602 11,231 12,233




Important Facts


08/11/2003 Announced the signature of a intention Letter to a possible acquisition of Vesper by Embratel.

Signature of a purchase agreement and selling with AT&T Latin America Corp. to acquire its operational subsidiary in five countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru. AT&T finished being acquired for the Telmex in October of 2003.

Nov 2003

MCI announces intention of selling Embratel. Anatel approves Vésper purchase for Embratel. The operation was done in December.


March 2004 Telmex announced agreement with MCI to Embratel's purchase.
June 2004

Anatel approves Embratel purchase by Mexico Telmex.

Telmex acquire participation on Globopar/Net.

June/05 Published by Anatel resigned act of Embratel Local service authorizations of Vésper.
August 2005 Embratel acquired Primesys of Portugal Telecom per R$ 231.25 million.
Sept/05 Embratel Participações announces the incorporation of Telmex Brazil and the shareholding participation, 37.1% of social capital of Net Serviços de Comunicação S.A. stucked by Mexico Telmex.
May/06 Telmex presented a public offer to the acquisition of Embratel Participações's shareholdings in circulation in the market with the purpose of cancelling its register as public company.
Mar/08 Embratel announced the operation start of its Wimax net.

On April 24th, 2008, Anatel authorized Embratel to provide Pay TV service via satellite (DTH) in order to transmit sound and image (TV) signals.o.


Anatel approved transfering Net's control from Globo to Embratel.




Star One


Star One is a company which provides satellite capacity in brazil. It's controlled by Embratel (80% of its capital).



Million R$
Net Revenue
Net (loss) Profit


Embratel's net revenue increased 19% in 2009. The company closed 2009 counting 180 employees.








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