


América Móvil América Móvil Group in Brazil Embratel Claro Others
Annual Annual Annual Annual Net
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Americel


This page:Net´s annual results, Pay TV operator (cable) that offers Broad Band services and corporative networks.


Net Serviços de Comunicação S.A. is a Pay TV operator (cable) which also offers broadband and corporative network services. In Jan/12, Anatel approved the tranference of Net's control from Globo to Embratel.


Operational Performance


Thousands 2010 2011 2012 2013 ∆Year
Cable TV Subscribers 4,212 4,730 5,381 6,063 12.7%
Borandband Accesses 3,524 4,264 5,627 6,371 13.2%
Fixed Telephony Accesses 3,153 3,844 4,977 - -


Covered Cities - Pay TV 2012 2013 ∆Year
Cities 120 188 56.7%


Consult data about Vivax.



Financial Economic Performance


Million R$ 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 ∆Qter ∆Year
Gross Revenue 2,801 2,975 3,127 3,323 3,411 - - -
Net Revenue 2,241 2,370 2,471 2,626 2,703 2,864 6.0% 20.8%
EBITDA 629 613 677 960 795 841 5.8% 37.2%
EBITDA Margin 28.1% 25.9% 27.4% 36.5% 29.4% 29.4% (0.2%) 13.6%
Net Profit 115 42 45 -26 56 188 233.8% 347.4%




Million R$ 2010 2011 2012 2013 ∆Year
Gross Revenue 7,102 8,345 9,938 12,227 23.0%
Net Revenue 5,406 6,696 7,939 9,709 22.3%
EBITDA 1,559 1,942 2,231 2,879 29.0%
EBITDA Margin 28.8% 29.0% 28.1% 29.7% -
EBIT 658 880 933 1,054 12.9%
EBIT Margin 12.2% 13.1% 11.8% 10.9% -
Net Profit 307 373 394 177 (55.2%)
Net Debt 1,357 1,448 - - -







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