

América Móvil Claro Group Claro Mobile Others
Annual Annual Annual Annual
Quarter Quarter Quarter Net


In this page: Claro's annual operational and economic data, including number of mobile accesses, ARPU, MOU, Churn, Revenue, EBITDA margin, EBIT and profit.




Claro (Telecom Américas) is the subsidiary of América Móvil to Brazil.



Operational performance


Thousands 2016 2017 2018 ∆Year
Mobile Accesses 60,171 59,022 56,416 (4.4%)
Net Adds -5,808 -1,149 -2,606 126.8%
% Prepaid 69.6% 65.5% 58.3% -
ARPU (R$) 14.0 15.4 17.3 12.2%
MOU (minutes) 98.5 97.6 114.5 17.3%
Monthly churn 4.1% 3.8% 4.4% -



Financial Econocmic Performance


Million R$ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 ∆Year
Gross Revenue 12,988 12,760 13,305 12,484 12,914 11,704 11,674 -0.3%
Services Net Revenue 12,165 11,870 12,018 11,073 11,692 10,689 11,017 3.1%
Handsets Net Revenue 813 881 1,279 1,403 1,222 1,019 614 -39.7%

Source: América Móvil's reports.



Results registered by Claro S.A.


Net Revenue (R$ Million)
2012 2013 2014
4,965 5,044 5,296
2,798 3,263 3,574
Tariff of use
3,922 3,781 3,325
337 315 234
Devices revenue
894 1,281 1,407
Services net revenue
12,023 12,403 12,429
Total net revenue
12,916 13,685 13,836
Net Loss
- (1,264) (1,082)

Fonte: Balanço da Claro S.A.



Check: Americel's results ( Claro's subsidiary)





Claro has national coverage in Brazil, completed in Apr/09 when the company started to cover the region of Minas Gerais.





Claro offers the mobile service with GSM technologies using the frequencies in 850 MHz owned by its Band B operators, frequencies in 1800 MHz and sub bands of extension. The company also acquired frequencies in 1.9/2.1 GHz and in Band L.


Click here to consult the frequencies.


Claro offers data services through its GSM network using GPRS/EDGE technology. Claro started to operate its 3Gnetwork (WCDMA) IN 2007 (more details).



Important Facts


Telecom Américas got BSE of BCP


Telecom Américas announces that will adopt the name of Claro to its operations in Brazil.


Gotten by BCP.

November Telmex gets AT&T
Mar/2004 Telmex announced agreement with MCI to buy Embratel.

Claro got in 09/21/2004 the license to Band E in Minas Gerais, except the region attended by Triângulo Celular in Minas Gerais, gotten by Telemig Celular. The term of authorization was signed in april of 2005.

Nov/05 Claro started operation in Minas Gerais

Claro announces the incorporation of Americel and Telet by BCP

Claro starts to operate in Minas Gerais
Nov/07 Claro starts to operate its 3G networks




Previous Claro Operators


Operator Band Commentary
Americel B Attendes the Region Center-West (Area 7) formed by the Federal District, Acre, Tocantins, Goiás, Rondônia, Mato Grosso and South Mato Grosso.


B Algar Telecom Leste, operator that attendes the States of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo (Area 3).
BSE B Attendes the States of Northeast (Area 10). Was acquired by BCP in may 2003.
Claro Digital (Telet)
B/D Attendes the States of Rio Grande do Sul (Area 6) and Paraná (except Londrina and Tamarana) and Santa Catarina (Area 5). In operation since dec/03.
TESS B Attendes the suburb of São Paulo (Area 2).
BCP B Attendes the Metropolitan region of São Paulo
Stemar E

Minas Gerais (except CTBC region ),

Bahia and Sergipe (area 9) - In operation since Dec/03.


Telet and Claro's service providers that have shares negotiated in Bovespa (Brazilian Stock Market) were incorporated to BCP.







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