
Vivo Vivo
Movistar Annual

In this page: Telefonica Group's quarter economic and operational data, including fixed and mobile accesses, revenue, EBITDA margin and investments.

Vivo's Consolidated Data



Operational Performance


Thousand 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24 ∆Qter ∆Year
Cell Phones
98,051 97,755 97,587 99,075 99,663 100,949 101,506 0.6% 4.0%
Fixed Telephones 6,939 6,860 6,612 6,458 6,262 6,046 5,916 -2.1% -10.5%
Fixed Broadband 6,407 6,453 6,525 6,623 6,728 6,875 7,025 2.2% 7.7%
Pay TV 884 871 858 845 828 813 798 -1.9% -7.0%
Total Accesses 112,280 111,939 111,582 113,001 113,481 114,683 115,245 0.5% 3.3%
Total of Fixed Accesses 14,229 14,184 13,995 13,925 13,818 13,735 13,739 0.0% -1.8%



Thousand 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24 ∆Qter ∆Year
Cell Phones
98,051 97,755 97,587 99,075 99,663 100,949 101,506 0.6% 4.0%  
Net Additions 72 -296 -168 1,488 588 1.286 557 -56.7% -
Prepaid (%) 40.1% 38.9% 38.1% 37.6% 37.2% 36.6% 35.9% - -
Churn (%) 2.5% 2.5% 2.3% 2.0% 2.1% 2.0% 2.0% - -
ARPU (R$) 27.1 27.9 28.9 29.1 29.2 29.6 30.3 2.4% 4.9%  



Thousand 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24 ∆Qter ∆Year
Voice ARPU 30.3 29.8 29 28 28 27 27 -1,1% -6,3%
Broadband ARPU 90.0 88.5 90 91 93 94 93 -0,1% 3,4%
Pay TV ARPU 141 144    145 146 149 148 148 -0,2% 2,2%
Mobile ARPU 27.1 27.9 28.9 29.1 29.2 29.6 30,3 2,4% 4,9%
Postpaid ARPU* 47.9 50.0 51.2 51.3 51.2 51.8 53,0 2,3% 3,6%
Prepaid ARPU 12.8 12.3 12.9 13.4 13.5 13.5 13,4 -0,7% 3,8%
M2M ARPU 3.2 3.0 3.3 3.1 3.1 3.3 3,2 -1,1% (2,6%)
*excludes M2M


Financial Economic Performance


Million R$ 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24 ∆Qter ∆Year
Gross Revenue 17,264 17,408 17,795 18,583 18,596 18,955 19,197 1.3% 7.9%
Net Revenue 12,721 12,733 13,112 13,535 13,546 13,679 14,039 2.6% 7.1%
EBITDA 4,942 5,085 5,539 5,752 5,277 5,455 5,950 9.1% 7.4%
EBITDA Recurrent 4,942 5,085 5,539 5,752 5,277 5,455 5,950 9.1% 7.4%
EBITDA Margin Recurrent 38.8% 39.9% 42.2% 42.5% 39.0% 39.9% 42.4% - -
Recurrent Net Profit 835 1,121 1,477 1,608 896 1,222 1,667 36.5% 13.3%
Net Debt without IRS16 1.371 867 318 583 -1.920 -2,338 -1,721 - -
Investments 1,686 2,172 2,626 2,295 1,874 2,341 2,495 6.6% (5.0%)

*Results with the adoption of IFRS 16.


Net Revenue of Vivo Mobile

Million R$ 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24 ∆Qter ∆Year
Service Revenue 7,965 8,184 8,465 8,602 8,702 8,907 9,212 3.4% 8.8%
Prepaid Revenue 1,510 1,431 1,455 1,501 1,509 1,501 1,476 -1.7% 1.4%
Postpaid Revenue 6,455 6,753 7,010 7,101 7,193 7,406 7,736 4.5% 10.4%
Handset Revenue 854 743 814 1,042 881 817 856 4.7% 5.1%
Total Net Revenue 8,819 8,927 9,279 9,643 9,583 9,724 10,068 3.5% 8.5%

*Results with the adoption of IFRS 16.


Fixed Net Revenue

Million R$ 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24 ∆Qter ∆Year
FTTH 1,496 1,501 1,570 1,627 1,717 1,757 1,790 1.9% 14.0%
Data, ICT & Digital Services 1,093 1,042 1,060 1,111 1,132 1,127 1,129 0.1% 6.5%
Others 1,312 1,263 1,202 1,153 1,114 1,070 1,053 -1.7% -12.4%
Fixed Net Revenue 3,902 3,806 3,833 3,891 3,963 3,955 3,972 0.4% 3.6%


Million R$ 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23
Fixed Telephony 740 738 694 685
Fixed Broadband 2,809 2,732 2,805 2,883
- Corporative Data and IT
1,056 997 1,018 1.61
Pay TV 390 379 376 374
Fixed Net Revenue 3,902 3,806 3,833 3,891

*Results with the adoption of IFRS 16.


Participation of Services in the Group Net Revenue

Million R$ 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24 ∆Qter ∆Year
Mobile Telephony 8,819 8,927 9,279 9,643 9,583 9,724 10,068 3.5% 8.5%
Fixed Telephony 702 694 652 634 617 598 580 (3.1%) (11.1%)
Fixed Broadband* 2,809 2,732 2,805 2,883 2,970 2,992 3,033 1.4% 8.2%
Pay TV 390 379 376 374 375 365 358 (2.0%) (4.8%)
Total 12,721 12,733 13,112 13,535 13,546 13,679 14,039 2.6% 7.1%

*includes corporative data and IT

Note: Results with the adoption of IFRS 16.






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