
América Móvil Brazil Mexico Others
Annual Annual Annual Claro ARG
Quarter Quarter Quarter Comcel

In this page: Quarter results reported by Telcel, the biggest cellular operator in Mexico.

Telcel is the main cellular operator of Mexico. It's part of América Móvil with Telmex are controlled by Carlos Slim (Mexican Business man).


Annual Results

Operational Results

Thousand 2021 2022 2023 ∆Year
Mobile Accesses 80,539 82,851 83,834 1.2%
Net Adds 2,749 2,312 983 -
Prepaid 81.9% 82.3% 82.1% -
ARPU* (US$) 157 - - -
Churn (%) 3.5% 3.3% 3.2% -


Financial Economic Performance

Million Mex$ 2021 2022 2023 ∆Year
Revenue 303,415 309,204 324,417 4.9%
Wireless Revenue 215,943 225,359 238,266 5.7%
Revenue on Fixed Tel. and Others 76,715 75,336 78,885 4.7%
EBITDA 124,956 127,745 132,308 3.6%
EBITDA Margin 41.2% 41.3% 40.8% -
EBIT 93,754 95,565 97,973 2.5%
EBIT Margin 30.9% 30.9% 30.2% -


Financial Economic Performance in US$

Million US$ 2021 2022 2023
Revenue 14,741 15,927 19,204
Wireless Revenue 10,491 11,608 14,104
Revenue on Fixed Tel. and Others 3,727 3,880 4,670
EBITDA 6,071 6,580 7,832
EBITDA Margin 41.2% 41.3% 40.8%
EBIT 4,555 4,922 5,799
EBIT Margin 30.9% 30.9% 30.2%


Note: Converted values using the exchange tax presented by América Móvil to the end of the period.






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