

Caribbean Countries
Annual Cuba Dominican Rep.
Haiti Trinidad & Tobago


This page: Annual statistics of mobile and fixed telephony and fixed broadband in Cuba.


TelecoWorld: Cuba


Official Name: Republic of Cuba
Capital: Havana
Population: 11.3 millions (CEPAL 2020)
Currency: Cuban Peso
Calling Code: +53

Regulator Agency: MIC

Ministério de la Informática y las Comunicaciones de Cuba



The following figure presents the evolution number of public and cellular telephones in Cuba. Source: ITU.




Thousands 2017 2018 2019 2020
Mobile Accesses 4,614 5,373 6,043 6,662
Fixed Telephones 1,349 1,384 1,447 1,502
Broadband 34 99 183 232

Source: ITU


Density 2017 2018 2019 2020
Mobile Accesses/100 inhab. 40.7 47.4 53.3 58.8
Fixed Telephones/100 inhab. 11.9 12.2 12.8 13.3
Broadband/100 inhab. 0.3 0.9 1.6 2.0

Source: ITU



Fixed Telephony Operator


The main public telephony operator in Cuba is: Cuba Telecommunicaciones Company (ETECSA).





Cellular Operators


The unity of mobile business of the ETECSA is Cubacel, created in January 9th 2004 from the fusion of enterprises: Cubacel y C_COM.


Cubacel technology is TDMA?GSM.


Only foreigners and people from the government could have cell phones in Cuba. This restriction has created a parallel market where many Cubans with conditions to buy a cell phone using names of other people. In Mar/08, the new president of Cuba Raul Castro officially authorized the possession of cell phones by Cubans.






The Movitel is a Trunking and pager operator. (Movitel)







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