

Caribbean Países
Annual Cuba Dominican Rep.
Haiti Trinidad & Tobago


This page: Annual statistics of mobile and fixed telephony and fixed broadband in Jamaica.

TelecoWorld: Jamaica



Official Name: Jamaica
Capital: Kingston
Population: 2.8 millions (CEPAL 2016)
Currency: Jamaican Dollar
Calling Code: +1
Regulator Agency: OUR

Office of Utilities Regulation



The following figure presents the evolution of public and cellular telephones in Jamaica. Source: ITU.




Thousands 2017 2018 2019 2020
Mobile Accesses
3,091 2,965 3,024 2,873
Fixed Telephones
297 364 398 436
239 285 318 386

Source: ITU



Density 2017 2018 2019 2020
Mobile Accesses/100 inhab.
105.8 101.0 102.6 97.0
Fixed Telephones/100 inhab.
10.2 12.4 13.5 14.7
Broadband/100 inhab.
8.2 9.7 10.8 13.0




Fixed Operators


Jamaica's main Public Telephony is: Cable & Wireless Jamaica. Cable & Wireless ownes 79% of 79% of Cable & Wireless Jamaica (Telecommunications of Jamaica Ltd).


Cable&Wireless: www.time4lime.com/



Mobile Operators


Mobile operators in Jamaica are: Digicel, Claro and Lime



LIME: www.time4lime.com

Digicel: www.digiceljamaica.com

Claro: www.claro.com.jm/








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