
South America Countries
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  Colombia Guianas and Suriname Bolivia  

This page: Statisics of mobile and fixed telephones and fixed broadband in Paraguay.

TelecoWorld: Uruguay


Official Name: Eastern Republic of the Uruguay
Capital: Montevideo
Population: 3.49 million (2022)
Currency: Uruguayan Peso
Calling Code: +598

Regulatory Agency: URSEC

Unidad Reguladora de Servicios de Comunicaciones



The image below shows the evolution of fixed and mobile telephones and broadband in Uruguay.

(Souce: Ursec)







Thousand 2020 2021 2022
Mobile Accesses 5,415 5,871 6,248
Fixed Telephones 1,203 1,237 1,259
Broadband 1,064 1,105 1,136
Pay TV 645 631 613





/100 inhabitants 2020 2021 2022
Mobile Accesses 156.1 168.7 179.0
Fixed Telephones 34.7 35.6 36.1
Broadband 30.7 31.8 32.5
Pay TV 18.6 17.4 16.4

Source: Ursec and UIT



Mobile Operators


Thousand 2020 2021 2022
Antel 2,775 3,180 3,561
Movistar 1,664 1,652 1,609
Claro 976 1,040 1,077

Source: Ursec



Ancel: ww.ancel.com.uy/ancel

Claro: www.claro.com.uy

Movistar: ww.movistar.com.uy







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