Report: 4G and 5G Private Networks in Brazil
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Number of pages: 58 Includes 1 hour of Consultancy with Authors Portuguese or English |
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Executive Summary
This report presents the necessary information and a roadmap for a company to assess its interest in implementing a 4G/5G private network as a solution for integrating existing networks, with higher quality.
Private networks with 4G/5G technology are used by companies or organizations to meet their needs. The global scale of these technologies contributes to a drop in the cost of these networks and terminals besides the existence of a greater range of suppliers, when compared to proprietary solutions.
The report presents the advantages of 4G/5G networks in the integration, and eventual replacement, of current networks to improve performance, security, reliability and availability. The document explains what these networks are and why their characteristics allow companies to take this digital leap. It also discusses Autonomous Private Network and Mobile Operator Private Network solutions.
Numerous use cases are presented in different industries (verticals) in Brazil and around the world that are already using these networks and, in each of them, what are the main specific needs met by the new networks for the verticals in the following figure and for temporary applications using slicing by TV stations.
The report includes a list of links with additional information on private networks that serves as a guide for those who want more information.
Teleco made available on its website a list of 37 publicly announced initiatives for private networks in Brazil, indicating the company, suppliers and technology adopted.
Teleco interviewed almost all the suppliers of these 37 private network initiatives in Brazil to elaborate the Supplier Ecosystem in Brazil, which consists of a very complete list of mobile operators, equipment suppliers, system integrators and solution integrators in the Brazilian market.
The document also presents the current regulations for the implementation and operation of a Private Network, detailing the issue of frequencies and necessary authorizations.
In conclusion, this report presents a list of next steps to be followed by those interested in implementing private networks.
It also includes an Annex of a technical nature on 5G Network technology.
Eduardo Tude
President and partner of Teleco consultancy company, he has worked since 2002 as a Telecom market analyst, coordinating consultancy projects, publishing weekly articles, preparing sector reports and presenting workshops.
Telecommunications Engineer (IME 78) and master’s degree in Telecommunications (INPE 81), is a jury member of the Global Mobile Awards in the Mobile World Congress which takes place in Barcelona and was a visiting professor at Unicamp (2013).
He held several management positions in Telecom companies in areas such as Mobile Systems (Ericsson), Optical Networks (Pegasus Telecom) and Satellites (INPE).
Loreno M. da Silveira
Teleco's Technical Consultant since 2011.
PhD in Information and Communication Systems Technology by the Faculdade de Tecnologia – FT, Universidade Estadual de Campinas-UNICAMP, 2020.
Extensive experience in telecommunications planning and engineering, Smart grid, and systems development.