
Telecom Equipment Industry and Trade Balance

In this page:Telecom Industry, revenue, exportation and importation, in Brazil. (Source: Abinee).

Cell Phones

Cell phone is the most exported product by Telecom Industry. More details consult: Cell Phone's Production and Exportation.



Telecomunication Trade Balance


US$ Million
(Jan-Feb/22) (Jan-Feb/23) ∆Year
Exportations 55.3 38.6 (30.2%)
Importatios 366.8 426.1 16.2%
Balance (311.5) (387.5) -

Source: Abinee
Obs.: Valor accumulated in the year.


Telecommunications Components


US$ Million (Jan-Feb/22) (Jan-Feb/23) ∆Year
Exportations 13 14 9.2%
Importatios 737 504 (31.7%)
Balance (724) (490) -

Source: Abinee



Exportation and Importation by World Region


US$ Million Exportation Importation
2021 2022 2021 2022
Argentina 964 1,284 122 85
United States 1,359 1,508 3,004 3,499
Aladi (without Argentina) 1,722 1,930 1,584 1,842
European Union 625 725 5,143 5,238
China 195 189 19,972 23,026
Southeast of Asia (without China) 303 293 9,571 10,296
Rest of the world 601 775 1,043 1,280



Telecommunication Trade Balance


US$ Million 2020 2021 2022
Exportations 251.2 285.6 359.2
Importations 2,511.4 2,613.8 2,736.0
Balance (2,260.2) (2,328.2) (2,376.8)

Source: Abinee



Telecom Components (Annual)


US$ Million 2020 2021 2022
Exportations 132 105 86
Importations 4,257 4,894 3,758
Balance (4,125) (4,789) (3,672)
Source: Abinee



Exportation and Importation by World Region


US$ Million Exportations Importations
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
Argentina 650 964 1,284 134 122 85
United States 1,183 1,359 1,508 2,616 3,004 3,499
Aladi (without Argentina) 1,273 1,722 1,930 1,321 1,584 1,842
European Union 481 625 725 4,337 5,143 5,238
China 123 195 189 14,639 19,972 23,026
Southeast Asia (without China) 265 303 293 7,907 9,571 10,296
Rest of the world 504 601 775 837 1,043 1,280

Source: Abinee






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